In the context of the conversion of SPG / SGO into Senior High School in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Primary and Secondary Education the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 178 / C / Kep / 1989 Concerning Implementation Guidelines for Transferring Schools of Teacher Education and Teacher School Sports to Other High Schools. So in 1988 the SPG / SGO transfer function became SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali which consisted of 4 classes of students, because for class II students, III were still SPG students. Then in the academic year 1989/1990 received 6 classes, so the number of classes at that time there were 10 classes. At that time SPG / SGO was located at Jl. Pandanaran No. 169 Boyolali, then in 1989 moved to occupy the New Building which is located at Jl. Independence Pioneer (0276) 324586, (57316) Pulisen, Boyolali until now